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A Glint off the Glass

Rick Novy

(Simplified) Chinese translation from English by Wing Pun

































玻璃上的闪光》── 力奇.诺维

节录自《开普勒的星球们:十三个关于真实存在的遥远世界的故事》, Hadrosaur Press, 2013.

A Glint off the Glass

Rick Novy

(Traditional) Chinese translation from English by Wing Pun


































《玻璃上的閃光》── 力奇.諾維


, Hadrosaur Press, 2013.




A Glint off the Glass

Rick Novy

Original text in English


As soon as the door closed, claustrophobic pangs began. How many times had Dabrina done this in practice, in stimulators, and in drills? Those could never be the same as the real deal. The planet, formally known as Kepler-3b, with its funky magnetic field and proximity to its star - nothing could have prepared her for the reality of this moment.


“What’s the matter, Dabrina? Your pulse is up.”


Leron’s smooth but decidedly Jamaican accent calmed her, at least a little bit. She pictured his square jaw and dark complexion as she took a deep breath. “It’s just nerves, I guess.”


“You’re doing fine. Just memba to breathe.”


Doing fine. She hadn’t even released the docking arm yet, and already her heart did a drum roll. What would it be like out there, really out there in that magnetic field? She took a deep breath, and it seemed to help.


After going through the end of the checklist, the time had come. “Request permission to release the arm.”


“You ah go.”


Dabrina released the clamp holding her pod to the arm. That little action gave the pod enough momentum to drift clear of the mothership. Dabrina scrambled to get the pod turned about so she could get the mission underway, forgetting all about the nerves she had a moment ago.

“You away. Go catch that tendril. See if you can learn something about those crazy readings we saw.”


“Thanks, Leron, see you in a few hours,” She checked the magnetometer, watching the digits rise as she entered the magnetic field of the planet Leron had named simply Wicked. An appropriate name it was, too.


There would be no colony here. Too close to the star, as uninhabitable as Venus in terms of temperature, but that wasn’t the worst of it. Wicked’s sun boasted a powerful magnetic field that interacted with an unusually strong magnetic field from the planet on a regular basis. That caused all sorts of havoc in the form of ionizing radiation and showers of subatomic particles. No, colonization would never happen on Wicked. Scientific investigation was another matter, just not an easy one.


Part of the problem with magnetic fields is you can’t see them with your eyes. You can only see their effects. In the case of the tendril currently joining the star and the planet, all Dabrina could see was a pinkish glow, presumably from charged particles corkscrewing their way along the magnetic field lines. Subtle, yet beautiful. She would have to take care not to allow it to become hypnotic. As she got closer to the tendril, the magnetic induction drive became more efficient, and she found herself accelerating toward the faint glow of the tendril. Not that it was outside the plan, of course, That had been intended all along, and then the plan meant to try corkscrewing around the entire tendril to collect readings with the magnetometer, spectrometer, mass spectrometer, Geiger counter, and dozens of other instruments all running in concert. It was a simple job, at least in theory.


In practice, Dabrina never did have complete faith in these induction pods. They worked fine in Earth’s magnetic field, even during heavy Val Allen Belt activity. Out here, this application was completely untested. She glanced at the pressure reading on the emergency hydrazine thruster for comfort, then had her focus torn away when Leron called over the radio. 



Rick Novy, ‘A Glint off the Glass’ in A Kepler's Dozen: Thirteen Stories About Distant Worlds That Really Exist, Hadrosaur Press, 2013.


Rick Novy grew up in Wisconsin. He has a Bachelor in Physics and Maths and a Masters in Engineering. His fiction has appeared in respectable publications, including Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, Flash Fiction Online, M-Brane SF, and Tales of the Talisman. He is a member of Codex Writers Group and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).



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